Dosyfruit™ basic 2 modules
PCM has designed two basic fruits stations PCM Dosyfruit™ for dosing two fruits without changing containers.
PCM Dosyfruit™ is the reference for the injection of fruits into dairy products.
The technology used in this system for the dosing of ingredients provides the highest quality products and allows the manufacturer to increase its production lines, its volume and profitability.
System fundations
2 DosyFruit™ Basic
Specific functions
Basic fruit station for 2 flavours without container changeover
2 DosyFruit™ modules linked each other for sharing automatism and utilities (water, steam)
Possible variants
All the range of DOSYSTM pumps
Fruit dosing in a white mass with 2 different fruits
Propose a system with low CAPEX with a minimum of automation for the different phases without downgrading productivity too much
To dose 2 different fruits under optimal hygienic conditions in the scope of a manual process (no automation of the production, rinsing and sterilization phases)