Uses of food pumps
Moving high quality foods and beverages through your supply chain depends on your ability to keep vital ingredients moving in the production line. Our pump systems preserve the quality and integrity of your products, while helping to ensure that they enter your supply chain in a timely, reliable manner.
Petfood processing equipment
The Petfood market is a dynamic and innovative market with strong growth. As with the human food market, there is a development in the types of recipes for which PCM petfood processing equipment are totally adapted. Click here to learn more.
Dairy pumps & processing equipment
PCM offer hygienic dairy pumps and systems which are suitable for the transfer, mixing, dosing and filling of your ingredients.
Beverages: PCM pumps & equipment
There is a common point with all these recipes: liquid product transfer in large quantities generally uses centrifugal pump technology. But when the application becomes more complex, for the transfer of fragile and viscous nectars for example, PCM has the solution.
Convenience food: Dosing and filling PCM pumps & equipment
Lifestyles evolution have directly impacted cooking and eating habits, leading to a sharp rise in the ready meals market. PCM responds to this heterogeneity by making on demand systems for dosing viscous, pasty ingredients with or without pieces, for filling all types of containers...
Fruits and vegetables: PCM pumps & equipment
Fresh and processed fruit & vegetable world production has doubled over the past thirty years. In addition, a technology that respects the fragility and the integrity of the pieces will be necessary to transfer, dose or fill various containers.
Sugar and starch market: PCM pumps & equipment
Sugar is everywhere, it is an essential ingredient in the manufacturing of multiple recipes. PCM offers solutions throughout the sugar production process, from the transfer of molasses or pulps to the clarification, concentration or crystallization process.
Meat and fish pumps
PCM provides to agri-food industrials custom-designed meat and fish pumps for transferring, mixing and dosing. Click here to learn more.
Baked goods market: PCM pumps & equipment
The industrial bakery is a dynamic and a creative market which is constantly innovating and surfing on snacking recipes development. PCM offers tailor-made systems to meet the needs of the industrial baking & pastry processes.
Personal care: PCM pumps & equipment
PCM has precisely this know-how, transfer of viscous products, delicate but also bacteriologically fragile. PCM technologies are also recognized for the high level of dosing accuracy.