PCM EcoMoineau™:市场上首个生态设计螺杆泵
The EcoMoineau™ M Series is a range of pumps dedicated to liquid sludges and reagents pumping in environmental markets.
The EcoMoineau™ M pump is characterized by an ecological and an economical approach: through the eco-design, these pumps are lighter and smaller than the previous generation. Moreover, they are designed to reduce the life cycle costs: the drive systems (motor-reducer, speed variator...) are built-in and the base forms a single unit with the pump body.
Easy to install, the EcoMoineau™ M pumps are provided with mechanical seal to ensure a proper sealing and an easier operation (absence of soiling due to leakage), and with integrated visit holes for a regular surveillance and an easier maintenance.
The EcoMoineau™ M pumps are designed with abrasion and corrosion standing materials. Then, the original design of the shaftline guarantee the reduction of tow coiling in the pump and facilitate their elimination. These pumps comply with the environmental standards that are respected by PCM, ISO 14001 certified company.
The range's main applications are the pumping and the transfer of raw waste water and viscous products: liquid sludge, scum, polymers, lime milk, activated carbon slurry, etc...